Practice Areas
Probate & Trust Administration
What is Probate & Trust Administration?
What is the difference between probate and administration?
One of two Grant of Representation can be issued, Grant of Probate and Letters of Administration. A Grant of Probate is only issued to named Executors of the Will, while Letters of Administration are issued to the persons entitled under the rules of intestacy if the deceased died without a Will.
What does administration mean in probate?
Estate administration is the process of handling all of a person’s legal and tax affairs after they’ve died. In short, this means dealing with their assets, debts, and taxes before distributing inheritance to the estate’s beneficiaries.
What is trust administration?
Trust administration refers to the tasks associated with managing the assets, distributions, and filings of a trust. The tasks can often be quite complex and time sensitive.
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When conflicts arise in connection with a lease, our attorneys work closely with our clients to develop creative solutions that resolve the dispute in a quick and cost-efficient manner. If an effective resolution cannot be achieved through negotiation, our attorneys are well-prepared to vigorously pursue the matter in court or settle the dispute through mediation or arbitration. Contact us today for help with your case.